Cooper Park Crops

Did you know there are fruit and vegetable plants growing in Elgin’s Cooper Park, ready for you to pick and use?


As part of REAP’s Grow Elgin project to grow more food locally, and so reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we have stocked four raised beds in Cooper Park with a variety of edible plants.

As well as some soft fruit bushes and herbs , the beds have a variety of vegetables growing in them, depending on the season. We invite you to help yourself to a bit of fresh food;


  • SAM_1235A few parsley leaves or chives to go in your sandwich.
  • A strawberry or two or a few currants to go with your lunch.
  • Some lettuce, spinach-beet leaves, nasturtium leaves and flowers etc for a wee salad.
  • Some kale or beetroot for a hearty soup.

Can anybody just help themselves?

Yes! The plants are there to be  harvested and used by anyone and everyone. Please be sure to wash what you pick before eating, and only pick food from the four REAP beds. Just harvest small amounts for your or your family’s immediate needs. Many of the leafy vegetables can be  harvested on a cut-and-come-again basis, taking a few leaves from several plants rather than a whole plant. With other vegetables like beetroot you will obviously take the whole plant. Be sure to compost whatever part of the harvested plants you don’t eat.

CPC mapWhere are these edible raised beds?

There are four raised beds together in Cooper park. They are located close to the old aviaries. The  developing community orchard is also shown on the map.